
Greetings! I’m Alison, mother of two young daughters, and a working professional, like you. I have spent the last 10 years navigating the ups and downs of being a working mom. My purpose is to help you thrive and build a life you love. 

As women, our desires often take backstage to the demands of a career and motherhood along with all the other commitments in our lives. Why do we often put the needs of others first and prioritize ourselves last? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? 

We must change our mindset and learn to take care of ourselves first. So that we can live a life we love. So that we can thrive at home and work. So that we can be our best self in every aspect of our life!

I guarantee you are not alone.  Let’s talk about our journey, share our struggles and celebrate our successes. We have the power within us to make our life great, One Step at a time.

My Story

Due to reasons none other than my own doing, I found myself a divorced, single mother of two young children. An ex-pat living in a foreign country with no family or village. The stress and overwhelm were unmanageable. My world was crumbling around me. 

Driving to work one morning, I found myself crying uncontrollably. In that lowest of moments, I asked, “Is this what I want for my life?” I had existed in a state of paralysis for so long, a passive observer of my own life, I had forgotten I was the only one with the power to create the life that I deserved, that I desired. That was a revolutionary thought for me. At that moment, I vowed to take back my life!!

But HOW was I supposed to do that? There began my journey of growth and discovery. Of learning to ask for and accept help, of being vulnerable, of going out of my comfort zone to connect with other women and escape my loneliness, of being open to new ideas and new ways of thinking. I adopted new mindsets and made progress slowly and deliberately, One Step at a time.

I know exhaustion, overwhelm and loneliness. But now, more than anything, I know my own strength! Witnessing my transformation, friends and co-workers started reaching out to me for advice. I unknowingly found myself an inspiration to other women. That is when I realized my purpose.

Some Fun Facts…

  • I have two amazing daughters, Emma & Kate, but that’s where my life as a Jane Austen novel ends
  • Coco(nut), our chocolate Labrador, brings an added layer of loving chaos and crazy to our home
  • I love to eat, but don’t particularly like to cook, which puts me in quite a conundrum most nights…
  • My journey towards simplicity has led me to an obsession with glass jars, essential oils and naked lunches, providing endless entertainment for my family
  • Despite wearing the same outfit to work (or my COVID home office) each day of the week, I have never felt more comfortable in my own skin

So What Now?

No matter where you are in your journey of surviving or thriving, let’s join together and build our tribe! Let’s struggle, share, learn and inspire together, because you can’t do what you can’t see. Let me say it again…You Can’t Do What You Can’t See.

  • Let’s kick mom guilt to the curb and replace it with recognition of our accomplishments.
  • Let’s make household chores less demanding of our time.
  • Let’s learn to meal plan and make dinner and school lunches fun.
  • Let’s improve our sleep hygiene, and reduce our exhaustion.
  • Let’s reduce our stress by learning to say no and asking for help.

We’ll work through the clutter One Step at a time to get to the good stuff, so that you can build a life you love. A life that allows you to breathe, stop the rush, appreciate the moments and find peace. Revisit hobbies you’ve not enjoyed for years, travel again, pursue further education, or explore your entrepreneurial side. Or simply create more moments of joy, love and gratitude. Whatever you desire is possible.